Acceptable Use Policy

Welcome to! Our Acceptable Use Policy outlines the rules and guidelines you must follow while using our web hosting, domain registration, WordPress hosting, reseller hosting, and related services. By accessing and using our services, you agree to comply with this policy. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in suspension or termination of your account without notice.

1. Prohibited Activities:

You are strictly prohibited from engaging in the following activities while using services:

a. Spamming: Sending unsolicited bulk emails, advertising, or promotional content, whether through our servers or others, is strictly forbidden.

b. Malware and Viruses: Uploading, distributing, or transmitting any malicious software, viruses, or harmful code is not allowed.

c. Illegal Content: Hosting, distributing, or linking to any content that violates local, national, or international laws is prohibited.

d. Copyright Infringement: You must not use our services to host, distribute, or link to copyrighted material without proper authorization.

e. Phishing: Engaging in phishing or any fraudulent activities to obtain sensitive information is strictly prohibited.

2. Resource Usage:

You agree to use our resources responsibly and not engage in any activities that may negatively impact our servers’ performance or the experience of other users. Any excessive use of resources, including CPU, bandwidth, or disk space, may result in account suspension or restrictions.

3. Security Obligations:

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, website, and applications hosted on our servers. Use strong passwords, keep software and plugins updated, and promptly address any security vulnerabilities.

4. Content Responsibility:

You are solely responsible for the content you publish and display on your website. Ensure that your content complies with applicable laws and does not violate the rights of others.

5. Reporting Abuse:

If you encounter any violations of this Acceptable Use Policy or witness any abusive behavior by our users, please report it to us immediately at [email protected].

6. Consequences of Violations:

Failure to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy may result in the following actions, at our sole discretion:

  • Warning: You may receive a warning notifying you of the policy violation and the need for immediate corrective action.

  • Account Suspension: In serious cases, we may suspend your account temporarily to prevent further misuse of our services.

  • Account Termination: Repeated or severe violations may lead to the termination of your account and access to our services.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us at [email protected].